

第1个回答  2012-06-16
Foreign exchange is mainly refers to foreign currency, also including in foreign currency of said to the international settlement means of payment. Clearing derivatives called the rate of exchange rate. The international monetary fund to foreign exchange is defined as the foreign exchange administrative authorities to be money bank deposits, the ministry of finance KuQuan, short and long government securities, and other forms of keep in a balance of payments deficit can be used while the claim. Including: foreign currency, foreign currency deposits, securities denominated in foreign exchange pay vouchers etc.
第2个回答  2012-06-16
Foreign exchange means foreign currency, but also includes foreign currency to the means of payment for International Settlements. Settlement of derivative ratio is called the exchange rate. The IMF is defined as: foreign exchange foreign exchange currency Administration held in the form of bank deposits, the Ministry of Finance treasury bills, short-and long-term government securities in the international balance of payments deficit can use debt. Include: foreign currency, foreign currency deposits, foreign currency securities, foreign currency payment instruments.本回答被提问者和网友采纳

the ministry of finance KuQuan, short and long government securities, and other forms of keep in a balance of payments deficit can be used while the claim. Including: foreign currency, foreign currency deposits, securities denominated in foreign exchange pay vouchers etc....

Forex是英文“Foreign Exchange”的缩写,直接翻译为“外汇”。它是一个全球性的金融市场,主要参与买卖不同国家的货币。这个市场是巨大的,参与者包括大型金融机构、中央银行、企业、投资者和投机者。二、Forex市场的特点 1. 全天候交易:由于全球各地的金融市场相互连接,外汇市场可以在周一至周五的24小时...

谁能帮忙翻译一下(关于外汇交易的):“sell 47 USD forex@123.840” yo...

With固定的分批法您基本上设置了多少全部您想要为一个特殊系统换。 并且,无论帐户增长或您将继续换这位置大小的抽缩。 这是相当平直向前的。 我们强烈如上所述建议您应该非常小心使用在您的portfolio.*的过份杠杆作用 Without适当的风险管理,这高度杠杆作用可能导致大损失并且获取。这个方法的基本的例子...

炒外汇:这是相关术语的解释,您可以参考一下:Initial Deposit 起始资金 : 执行测试的帐户交易金额。Gross Profit 毛利 = 所有获利交易金额的加总 Gross Loss 毛损 = 所有亏损交易金额的加总 Total Net Profit 总净盈利 = 毛利 - 毛损。(就是净获利)Profit factor 获利系数 = 毛利 \/ 毛损 也...

非本国的货币 \\x0d\\x0a外汇货币对中英文翻译\\x0d\\x0aEUR\/USD(欧元 兑 美元) USD\/JPY(美元 兑 日元) GBP\/USD(英镑 兑 美元) USD\/CHF(美元 兑 瑞士法郎) USD\/AUD(美元 兑 澳元) NZD\/ USD(新西兰元 兑 美元) USD\/CAD(美元 兑 加元) EUR\/JPY(欧元 兑 日元) EUR\/GBP...

尝试翻译一下 1.we investigate risk reduction from using different hedging instruments, and particular interest is directed towards the impact of transaction exposure hedges and translation exposure hedges respectively.我们研究通过使用各种套期保值工具来规避风险,尤其关心这些工具在规避交易风险和转换...

英语翻译 (关于外汇)
Can you all give me a dollar or all give me RMB? Our bank opens at eight thirty?

外贸英语句子翻译 谢绝翻译软件
8. 订单号为4567的货已经好了,你方必须马上开具信用证。9. 这封邮件是回复关于您3月18号的询盘的,在我们的回复里,我们有附上我们的报价单供您参考。请注意,由于外汇的汇率浮动,我们的报价在没有提前通知的情况下会发生一些变动。10. 您所要求的货物现在极短缺,现在我们打算向您提供一款相近的...

请问,外汇市场上,"TF" "TP"和"SL",这三个英文单词分别是什么意思...
TF是否是transformer的意思?你是在哪里看到饿这几个单词.截图或者把英文段落复制过来,帮你翻译一下.买入限价 BUY LIMIT 就是在现在的价格下方买入 买入止损 BUY STOP 在现在的价格的上止买入 卖出止损 SELL STOP 在现在的价格的下方卖出 卖出限价 SELL LIMIT 在现在的价格上方卖出 ...
