
膳食纤维 (dietaryfiber,DF)早已不是一个新鲜的词汇了,其作为功能性食品在营养和健康上的重要性已成为研究的热点。孔石莼味咸性寒,有降低胆固醇和清热解毒、软坚散结、利水降压的功效。我国民间一直流传着用孔石莼与其他药用植物配伍治疗中暑、颈淋巴结肿、甲状腺肿、疮疥、急慢性胃肠炎、高血压、水肿和小便不利、喉炎及咳嗽等症[1] [2 ],在利用孔石莼的过程中产生的废渣含有大量膳食纤维,直接排放到自然界中,不但浪费了大量的自然资源,还污染环境,给海洋渔业经济和生态带来破坏和影响。因此有必要很好地从孔石莼中提取水不溶性膳食纤维,进一步提高孔石莼的利用价值,同时也拓宽了膳食纤维的资源领域。本文以孔石莼为原料,采用酶与化学结合的方法提取膳食纤维,就影响膳食纤维含量七个因素:酶用量、酶解时间、酶解温度、氢氧化钠浓度、氢氧化钠提取温度、氢氧化钠用量、氢氧化钠提取时间进行了试验,研究确立了提取孔石莼膳食纤维的最佳工艺条件。结果表明,最佳提取工艺条件为蛋白酶与纤维素酶用量比为20:1、在40℃提取1.5h,用20倍1.5%氢氧化钠溶液在75℃提取2h,其产率达到了21.58%,色泽近黄褐色,可作为膳食纤维补充源。

Dietary fiber (DF) had not dietaryfiber, a new vocabulary, as functional food on the importance of nutrition and health has become the focus of research. KongShi Chun flavour of salty, lower cholesterol and qingrejiedu, soft firm, the overall efficacy of water. China has been circulated folk with KongShi Chun compatibility with other heat treatment of medicinal plants, cervical swollen, strumous acute gastroenteritis, itch, sores, hypertension, edema and urination, laryngitis and cough syndrome [1] and [2], in the process Chun KongShi utilization of waste contains a large number of dietary fiber, direct emissions to nature, not only wastes a lot of natural resources, environmental pollution, Marine fishery economy and ecological destruction and influence. Therefore, it is necessary to well KongShi extracted from Chun water insoluble dietary fiber, further improve KongShi Chun use value, also widened the field of dietary fiber resources. Based on KongShi Chun for raw material, adopting the method combined with chemical enzyme extraction of dietary fiber, affect prandial fiber content seven factors: the enzyme digestion, time, temperature and concentration of sodium hydroxide solution enzyme extraction temperature, sodium hydroxide and dosage, sodium hydroxide extraction time, established KongShi extraction Chun prandial fiber the optimum technological conditions. The results show that the best extraction process conditions for protease and dosage of cellulase in more than 40 ° c for assemblies, extract 1.5h with 20 times, sodium hydroxide solution in 75 ° 1.5% extraction yield, the 2h, colour and lustre 21.58% reached nearly tan, can be used as dietary fiber supplement source.
第1个回答  2009-06-08
胃病的种类很多,最常见的有浅表性胃炎、萎缩性胃炎、胃溃疡、胃出血等。胃病患者服药时一般不宜饮茶,服药2小时后, 饮用些淡茶、糖红茶、牛乳红茶,有助于消炎和胃粘膜的保护,对溃疡也有一定疗效。饮茶还可以阻断体内亚硝基化合物的合成,防治癌前病变。 楼主也可以试试太阳神猴头菇口服液,效果不错哦!祝你康复。
第2个回答  2009-06-03
Dietary fiber (DF) had not dietaryfiber, a new vocabulary, as functional food on the importance of nutrition and health has become the focus of research. KongShi Chun flavour of salty, lower cholesterol and qingrejiedu, soft firm, the overall efficacy of water. China has been circulated folk with KongShi Chun compatibility with other heat treatment of medicinal plants, cervical swollen, strumous acute gastroenteritis, itch, sores, hypertension, edema and urination, laryngitis and cough syndrome [1] and [2], in the process Chun KongShi utilization of waste contains a large number of dietary fiber, direct emissions to nature, not only wastes a lot of natural resources, environmental pollution, Marine fishery economy and ecological destruction and influence. Therefore, it is necessary to well KongShi extracted from Chun water insoluble dietary fiber, further improve KongShi Chun use value, also widened the field of dietary fiber resources. Based on KongShi Chun for raw material, adopting the method combined with chemical enzyme extraction of dietary fiber, affect prandial fiber content seven factors: the enzyme digestion, time, temperature and concentration of sodium hydroxide solution enzyme extraction temperature, sodium hydroxide and dosage, sodium hydroxide extraction time, established KongShi extraction Chun prandial fiber the optimum technological conditions. The results show that the best extraction process conditions for protease and dosage of cellulase in more than 40 ° c for assemblies, extract 1.5h with 20 times, sodium hydroxide solution in 75 ° 1.5% extraction yield, the 2h, colour and lustre 21.58% reached nearly tan, can be used as dietary fiber supplement source.
ha ha
第3个回答  2009-05-25





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