
迪庆 霞给【霞若】 藏族文化生态旅游村出品

De temple is the Tibetan incense Tibetan national culture of the five major science and medical technology as the guide, to learn the essence of past medical prescription, the succession of the traditional production process, there is the mysterious transmission from generation to generation formulation and unique hand-made sophisticated technology, so that they are illnesses in addition to disaster preparedness, the promotion of human metabolism, enhance immune function, the effectiveness of educational Yangjing to clean air, disinfection, prevention of epidemic diseases, which can be placed in clothing sterilization lasting insecticide-treated net incense, Tibetan incense in Need, clean production processes, it is dedicated to the best Sambo is worship Buddha, offices and public places must Jiapin room.
Main Effects: Click here for incense to purify the air, the prevention of epidemic diseases, the promotion of the elderly sleep, soothe the nerves with the lifting of the role of fatigue on patients with chronic rhinitis who have a certain therapeutic effect.
The main raw material: sandalwood, six good, cinnamon, amber, ice white, possession Kou, clove, snow lotus, saffron, a variety of valuable medicinal Cordyceps powder and vanilla by hand.
Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan, China Buddhist Association of Producer
Diqing Xiagei 【xia ruo】 Tibetan culture if the village eco-tourism products
Address: Shangri-La County, East Central 18 kilometers outside the travel lane
第1个回答  2009-05-28
Germany is in jilin temple all five Tibetan culture of science and technology and medicine for guidance, absorbs the essence of the formula in medical, inheriting the traditional craft, generation of mysterious formula, unique sophisticated handmade technology, make have illnesses, promote human plague in metabolism, enhancing immune function, raise the efficiency, pure puzzle can clean the air sterilization, prevent infectious diseases, and in clothings can antiseptic insecticide pure incense is the lasting, all of the production process, pure, is the best, is the honors for the Buddha, office and public places, for the bedroom.
Main function: click here sweet can purify air, prevent epidemic diseases, promote sleep, elderly nerves relieve fatigue, chronic rhinitis to have certain therapy.
Main ingredients: sandalwood, six, cinnamon, amber, ice white, clove, snow lotus, Malaysia, saffron, caterpillar medicinal powder vanious famous and vanilla handmade.
China's yunnan diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture buddhist association
Diqing xia to Sam if] Tibetan culture eco-tourism village
Address: shangri-la county ring 18 kilometers east part
第2个回答  2009-05-31

De temple is the Tibetan incense Tibetan national culture of the five major science and medical technology as the guide, to learn the essence of past medical prescription, the succession of the traditional production process, there is the mysterious transmission from generation to generatio...

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