A is for always getting to work on time. B is for being extremely busy. C is for the conscientious (勤勤恳恳的) way you do your job.
You may be all these things at the office, and more. But when it comes to getting ahead, experts say, the ABCs of business should include a P, for politics, as in office politics.
Dale Carnegie suggested as much more than 50 years ago: Hard work alone doesn’t ensure career advancement. You have to be able to sell yourself and your ideas, both publicly and behind the scenes. Yet, despite the obvious rewards of engaging in office politics—a better job, a raise, praise—many people are still unable or unwilling –to “play the game”.
“People assume that office politics involves some manipulative (工于心计的) behavior,” says Deborah Comer, an assistant professor of management at Hofstra University. “But politics derives from the word ‘polite’. It can mean lobbying and forming associations. It can mean being kind and helpful, or even trying, to please your superior, and then expecting something in return.”
In fact, today experts define office politics as proper behavior used to pursue one’s own self-interest in the workplace. In many cases, this involves some form of socializing within the office environment –not just in large companies, but in small workplaces as well.
“The first thing people are usually judged on is their ability to perform well on a consistent basis,” says Neil P. Lewis, a management psychologist. “But if two or three candidates are up for a promotion, each of whom has reasonably similar ability, a manager is going to promote the person he or she likes best. It’s simple human nature.”
Yet, psychologists say, many employees and employers have trouble with the concept of politics in the office. Some people, they say, have an idealistic vision of work and what it takes to succeed. Still others associate politics with flattery (奉承), fearful that, if they speak up for themselves, they may appear to be flattering their boss for favors.
Experts suggest changing this negative picture by recognizing the need for some self-promotion.
They say they want to dress as they please.他们说他们想以他们乐意的方法来装扮。(我的建议是as they pleased,要用过去分词形式,你看看。)But theyall wear the same clothes.但是他们穿着一样的衣服。They set off in new directions in music.他们在音乐上发展了新方向。But somehow they ...
1:我无意间听到他们要在考试时作弊的秘密。2:那个幽默故事使的观众都笑了起来。3:你决定去买只宠物猫吗?4:杯子从桌上掉下来,摔成碎片。5:我感觉有什么东西爬到我的背上。6:别在教室里做白日梦。7:马克做了个决定,他要去拜访住在乡下的爷爷奶奶 8:一个男人对我说:“请别在博物馆里...
A是的时刻工作时间。 B是被非常繁忙。 C是认真(勤勤恳恳的)方式,您做您的工作。您可能所有这些事情在办公室,等等。不过,走在前面,专家表示,自动边防系统的业务应包括一个P ,对政治,如在办公室政治。卡内基建议多达50多年前:勤奋工作本身并不能确保晋升。你必须要能够出售你和你的想法,在...
有一些地名可音译可意译,如 Silver City: 音译“西尔瓦市”。意译“白银市”Nightingale Hospital 音译“南丁格尔医院”,意译“夜莺医院”。医院的命名可能是为了纪念“南丁格尔护士”。No hat no play 是澳大利亚一项针对儿童的政策,要求孩子们戴上帽子再出去玩,以保护皮肤不被太阳晒伤。下为译文:对...
1.他变成植物人。 因为发生事故 2.汉斯没有通过测试,因为他没有做好准备。3. 当她听见她的女儿尖叫, 马贝尔仓促去厨房急忙。4. 当我帮你拍照片时,请保持安静。5. 老师试验过的各种各样的方式改进他的教学技能 。差不多了八
(译注:这里按照中文的习惯译的,没有直接译成保佑之类的)“You’re welcome, Sir.” She replied. “And my name is Mary, I’ll be back in a moment, and if you need anything at all in the meantime, just wave at me!””不客气,先生。“她回答到。“我叫玛丽。我马上就回来。
1、合同书 Contract 2、毕业证书公证书 The notarial deed of Diploma 3、推荐信 Recommendation letter 4、工作证明 Job prove 5、个人简历 CV Candidate Vita 6、出生年月公证 Notarization of Date of birth.7、无犯罪记录公证、 The notarization of Non-criminal record 8...
译文:上周日,Aron Ralston(阿伦-拉斯顿)这位经验丰富的徒步旅行者兼登山家,开始了他独自横穿位于犹他州的Bluejohn(蓝约翰)峡谷的旅行。他计划了一个为时8小时,路程21公里的徒步旅行。然而当他爬经峡谷的一个狭窄部分时,一块巨大的将近400公斤的石头砸了下来并压住了他的右臂。When he failed ...