1.对不起, 我打碎了玻璃杯——我不是故意的。
2.如果不是非出去不可, 我可不愿意冒着倾盆大雨出去。
4.汽车拥塞, 首尾相接长达数英里。
5.不过, 目前这药还在试验阶段。
7.Loneliness may be a sort of national disease here, and it’s more embarrassing for us to admit than any other sin.
8.The condition of loneliness rises and falls, but the need to talk goes on forever.
9.The more modest and humble we feel, the more we suffer from solitude, feeling ourselves inadequate company.
工作细心,有耐性: 能独当一面, 因为很多时候要为你的上司排忧解难,和处理一些突发事件.条理性强-许多时候要为你的上司安排日程表,I think the same as important at three points: high salary ensures high life, good working condition brings pleasure, smooth work satisfies people's mind.T...
1.他对目前的工作感到心满意足。She is content with her present work.2.现代科技已将人们从繁重的家务中解放出来。(free...from)Modern technology has freed people from heavy housework.3.安妮尽一切可能使婚姻不致破裂。(fall apart)Annie tried her best not to make her marriage fall apart...
1.My parents often asked me not to spend to much time on watching TV.1、父母亲经常叫我别花太多时间看电视。2.Children are often told not to play with fire.2、经常告诉孩子别玩火。3.When did you get to Shanghai? How long have you been in Shanghai?3、你何时到上海的?你来...
1. 你女儿个子高,身体好,又漂亮,将来可以当舞蹈家。Your daughter is tall, fit and pretty. She can be a dancer in the future.2. 为了掩盖他的罪行,他编了一个故事。In order to cover his crime, he made up a story.3. 别放弃!继续试下去。Don't give up! Keep trying.4. ...
If there is no mistake, I will pay you. Please inform me after receiving the payment and help me arrange the delivery as soon as possible. Do you have any questions?4、XXX是您的账号,请核对下。谢谢。XXX is your account number, please check it. thank you.这部分内容主要运用了...
1、我叙述这样一个经历旨在说明不是我不肯努力。(希望用上aim)My narration of this experience aims to prove that I've worked very hard.2、在这样一个艰难的环境下,每个人都有自己的难处,就像你也有你自己的难处一样。你我同站在一个战线上,我们之间需要理解,需要用理性的心看待问题。In...
1.I promise to all my loving and beloved one,that I will enjoy my life and be happy forever.I wish we will always be together,and our love will last till the end of the world.2很难翻,更像英文一点的翻译是这样:2.I had my eyes on you, because I admire you;I'm right...
2. I am shocked that a 5-year-old child successfully passed the examination 3.如果人类不断地用这种方式干扰自然的话,他们离死亡就不远了 3. If human beings continue to interfere in this way naturally, they are not far away from the death on the 4.如果我犯了错的话,请随时向...
1. takes the classical literature graduate student: a. must widely grasp this specialized classical document. b. must further enhance itself to explain ancient times the ancient book ability; c. strengthens the theory training, enhances the academic experience strength; d. is skilled in...