Having raised eight children of my own, I know the dilemma parents face. In a world increasingly hostile to children, we want to show we care by acting on our loving impulse, which usually means spending. But when our kids came home asking for the latest designer wear, my wife and I knew we had to say “no” more often than not. Of course, deciding to have no TV in the house was the first real breakthrough; I doubt we would have won this battle without freeing ourselves from its influence.
As a child, I grew up in what I now see was poverty. For the first few years of my life, I ate only the smallest amount. Yet, I would find it hard to imagine a happier childhood. Why? Because my parents gave us children time and attention on a daily basis. For instance, no matter how busy they were, they tried to eat breakfast with us before we went off to school each morning.
No child should have to live in poverty. But I firmly believe that the happiness of a child does not depend on his or her access to material wealth. After all, it is the love we give our children, and not the things, that will remain with them for life.
Having worked thirty years as a family counselor, I know that parents really do love their children, and want to do what is best for them. But what does it mean to give a child love? Next time, you feel that you have failed your kids, and are tempted to relieve those feelings by bringing home gifts, remember that we can’t buy our children’s affection. All they really want, and need, is time and attentiveness, a listening ear and an encouraging word. These are things every parent can provide.
1.【译文】 孙武,齐国人。以兵法进见吴国国王阖庐。阖庐说:“你的十三篇,我都看过了,可以小试一下指挥队伍吗?”回答说:“可以。”阖庐说:“可以用妇女来试吗?”孙武答;“可以。”于是吴王允许派出宫中美女一百八十人。孙武把她们分为两队,用吴王宠爱的妃子二人为两队的队长,并令所有的人...
回答和翻译如下:う、すすも进も う、また かんがえれ考えれ ば おそ遅 すぎて、かそく加速 し はじめ始め の かんがえかた考え方 で でんこう电光 いっせん一闪 じっこう実行 し、もう じかん时间 ないんだろう まけ负け ない まよい迷い 、のがれ逃れ ないで、さらに更に...
今晚:Tonight:当夜幕降临,我不请自来,从容走进宫殿.When night comes, I not invited, calmly walked into the palace.金碧辉煌的大厅,国王与王后端坐在上,俨然一对璧人.Resplendent and magnificent hall, the king and queen while sitting in on, just like a pair of its people.我裹紧身上黑...
2.Xiaoyan has gone to Paris .小杨已经去了巴黎。3.We talked about the brochures last night.我们昨晚谈到了关于产品目录(简介,或宣传印刷品)4.Newcastle is a three-hour train journey from London .从纽卡斯尔(英国港市到伦敦需要坐三个小时的火车。5.Why don’t you go away for the ...
i hope you will not be surprise and refuse to hear my words when we are deveded by the window.2,先生胸怀潇洒散漫,在下也厌倦了繁文礼节,但愿可以只精神上的交往,何必拘泥于身体形骸的相见呢?you are kind,and I like freedom.let us talk with spirit, Don't mind the body ...
一年四季你们都放除秋天不放假外…We have vacations every season except autumn.我们每天早上6:30上课,晚上10:00放学,We begin our class at 6:30 in the morning and school is over at 10:00 in the evening.中午有2个小时休息时间,每周六下午放一个晚上,一个月放一次月假。There are ...
This is the end of all life's suffering 所有病痛都要结束了 This is the end of all life's pain 所有苦难也要结束了 Fear, destruction, greed, exists no longer 恐惧,毁灭,贪婪不复存在 Nothings left now nothing can remain 没什么离开的也没什么留下的 It's getting closer 越来越近...
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do.You'll never know I'm after you,Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do.You'll never know.你的头发在你眼睛前晃动的样子 让我头脑里面的马达开始发动 这么久以来一直要把你据为己有 在我脑海里,很难接受的教训 嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟 你不会知道我在...