有英文高手能帮忙翻译这几个成语么 急求


作业要用 自己英文水平不够 怕翻译错了 求高人指点

1.The sufficient trust , servant do not doubt

2.Have absolute control on major issues , devolve power on others with respect to minor ones

3.Choose person , adopt sb.'s good points and avoid his shortcomings because of duty

4.Be discriminating in one's rewards and punishments, award and punishment is rational
第1个回答  2009-03-10
Full confidence that employers do not suspect
Arrogated all powers, small fragmented ownership
People because of the post election,
Reward and punishment, incentives and reasonable
第2个回答  2009-03-10
1 Full confidence that employers do not suspect.
2 Arrogated all powers, small fragmented ownership.
3 People because of the post avoid his good points and avoid his shortcomings because of duty.
4 Reward and punishment, incentives and reasonable.
第3个回答  2009-03-10
1.The sufficient trust , servant do not doubt

几个成语英语翻译 急!!!
三言两语:in a few words 固执己见 : self-opinion 坐失良机: miss the boat 横贯平原:Crosses the plain 引人入胜:Fascinating 欣喜若狂:jump out of one's skin 鼎立相助:Stands like a tripod helps one another 一事无成:accomplish nothing 刮目相看:look at sb with new eyes 有...

有眼不识泰 山 An eye don't know mount taishan

七嘴八舌 everybody talking at the same time 例如: Don't be all talking in confusion.别七嘴八舌的!九霄云外 far far away或forget completely or totally disregard 例如:He has forgotten this completely.他早把这事忘得九霄云外了。十全十美 be perfect in every way 例如:Stop loo...

杯弓蛇影 extremely suspicious 烈火真金 true gold stands the test of fire 不动声色 maintain one's composure 集腋成裘 many a little makes a mickle 狐假虎威 bully people by flaunting one's powerful connections

2. 英语四字成语大全 饱经风霜 bǎo jīng fēng shuāng 【解释】饱:充分;经:经历;风霜:比喻艰难困苦。形容经历过长期的艰难困苦的生活和斗争。【出处】清·孔尚任《桃花扇》第二十一出:“鸡皮瘦损,看饱经雪霜,丝鬓如银。”【结构】动宾式。【用法】用于经验极其丰富;有时也可用拟人化...

Never again.耐(第一声)污儿 呃更。或:don't do it again.洞特 赌(第一声)衣特 呃更。祝你好运!

众所周知 Well known 说三道四 Make irresponsible remarks 指手画脚 Carp and cavil 颠倒黑白 Reverse black and white 混淆是非 Confusing right and wrong 发号施令 Command 大言不惭 fanfaronad 悬崖勒马 Rein in on [at] the brink of the precipice ...

有道翻译:resourceful and decisive,sagacious and resolute 个人翻译:wise with good judgment 独擅其美:对美名或其他美好的东西独占 有道不可取 个人翻译:to exclusively(独自、排他) hold\/possess(2选1,下同) good reputation or other nice objects to hold\/possess good reputation or other ...

a bitter [bad, wicked] tongue 刻薄嘴 A honey tongue, a heart of gall.口蜜腹剑。a long tongue 快嘴, 饶舌 a rough tongue 粗鲁话 a sharp tongue 言语尖刻 a silver tongue 流利的口才; 能言善辩; 说话动听 A still tongue makes a wise head.[谚]智者寡言。an oily tongue 甜言蜜语;...

非常高兴能够帮你解答问题,希望能够真心帮助到你,谢谢 愚公移山 ,刻舟求剑 The foolish old man,who removed the mountains.Carve on gunwale of a moving boat。互相矛盾 。孟母三迁 Contradictory.Mencius'mother moves her home three times to better her son's education。
