Glad to hear from your company and i am using this opportunity to tell you that your product as been approved by our management and my boss told me to carry on with the necessary arrangement for the products.
My Boss later call me, to tell you that we have finally approved your products for purchase that with this, to reach into conclusion, that our international representatives must visit your company for the business negotiation between your company and ours with the aim of achieving our main objective in business face to face and so we can come to your company for the purchase/inspection and also tell
us your shipping and payment term.
So i went to the Chinese Embassy in Lagos Nigeria to make inquiry on how to apply for Chinese visa,the consular in charge at the Chinese Embassy told me that you should kindly go to your Local Government Foreign Bea rue Department to apply for invitation letter for our international representatives to secure visa at the Chinese Embassy in Lagos Nigeria.
So kindly go to your Local Government Foreign Bea rue Department to apply for invitation letter for our international representatives and get back to me with all their details requirement they will need to issue the invitation letter for our international representatives.
Glad to hear from your company and i am using this opportunity to tell you that your product as been approved by our management and my boss told me to carry on with the necessary arrangement for the products.很高兴收到贵司来信,我想趁此机会告诉您你们的产品已经获得我们管理层认可...
麻烦帮我翻译成英文,力求委婉,谢谢 I am afraid I am not that good at English. But this is not the reason why I don't like your speaking English. In my opinion, among Chinese, Mandarin is a good way of munication. Take the French as an example, they feel really disgusted...
帮忙翻译一下一段英文邮件,谢谢! dear XXXX thank you for your e-mail ,the e-mail will forward to XXX(你上司的名字)soon.请帮我翻译一段英文谢谢,是一封邮件。 Dear Sir\/Madam I am sorry that not send the tracing check number to you in time. The number is 7906103181 DHL...
你好,我真的很感谢你喜欢我的音乐,但是我真地不能给予你更多帮助了。毕竟我只是一个歌手,而不是一家唱片公司。如果你不是基于美国请一直尝试,尝试在你自己的国家联系标签。我希望这能起作用,我现在真的很忙,因此不想再更多的回复你的邮件。仍然感谢你,我很高兴你是我的歌迷,kiss ...
Dear Sir,Your reply was acknowledged with great honor.Really appreciate your approval for my application for Delayed Enrollment.Thank you again.Yours sincerely,
起:Dear:XX I am writing to extend my gratitude to you for your concern.非常感谢你们的关心 i'll be fine cause i know live a happy life is the greatest consolation to my father, so please don't worry about me ,我会好好生活,因为我知道这是我父亲所希望的,所以不要担心我。...
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