“Conflicts Justice” Versus “Material Justice”[8]
(1) The fundamental theoretical dichotomyin the purposes of choice of law is between the objective of choosing the“proper” legal system to govern a multi-state dispute or the objective ofreaching the fairest possible result in the individual case. It is clear thatthe traditional theory described in the preceding historical note purports tobe jurisdiction-selective, with a leap in the dark to the legal systemindicated by the critical connecting factor regardless of its content. It thussubscribes to the objective of “conflicts justice” versus “material justice”,although its critics based much of their attack on demonstrations that thecourts were in fact avoiding blind jurisdiction-selection through such evasionsas re-characterization of the legal category involved in the controversy, thedefense of ordre public, or even use of renvoi. The modern theories, on theother hand, all purport in one way or another to take substantive justice intoaccount. Since less than one fourth of the American states still adhere to thetraditional theory, it must therefore be said that some form of pursuit of theobjective of substantive justice is the prevailing view.
(2)The matter is greatly complicated, however, by the fact that the moderntheories have no unified position on this question, but rather represent pointson a broad continuum. The range of these points is quite remarkable.
1. Power of Attorney 2. Indictment 3. The evidence (the conversation transcripts, witness statements, documentary evidence and material evidence)4. Represented by counsel words 我是通过Google网页翻译进行翻译的,我一般是用这个,起码很快。希望我的回答可以帮到你!
违法性认识是一个比较古老的话题。Knowledge of illegality is a relatively old topic.它最早可以追溯到古罗马法格言“不知法律不免责”。It harks back to Roman law maxim "do not know law exemption".但随着社会发展和法律体系的日益完善,违法性认识的理论进入到人们的视线,司法实践中更加丰富了...
债务加入制度,近来成为我国司法审判中的热点和难点问题,我国法律对此项制度却无明确规定,理论界的研究也不充分。 Debt join the system, recently became the administration of justice in the hot and difficult issues, our legal system has failed to specify the provisions of this theoretical re...
1.divine‘s punishments, though slow, are always sure.天网恢恢,疏而不漏。2.an act is not a crime unless the law says it is one.法无明文规定者不为罪。3.this contract is made of one original and two duplicate originals, all of which are of the same effect.本合同一式三...
remember," or unit of choose and employ persons that all the above statements do disadvantage. This has caused the evidence difficult. Workers party The author thinks that the correct application, constructive system can help in this situation.以上为 有道桌面词典 翻译结果,仅供参考。
第一条 为规范对外贸易秩序,维护国家对外贸易利益,根据《中华人民共和国对外贸易法》、《行政处罚法》和其他相关法律法规,制定本办法。 Article 2 Export invoice may be divided into export invoice made by supervision and made by oneself. Export invoice made by supervision means the export invoice uniformly...
Applicable Laws and no less than the measures adopted by it for protecting its most important confidential information and trade secrets .意思:每一缔约方应视为机密的机密信息,并采取和维持预防和安全措施,要求或任何适用的法律,并没有比它通过保护其最重要的机密信息和商业秘密的措施建议 ...
法律英语a default entilement翻译
法律词组 a default entilement应翻译为 固有权力即国家机关固有的职权 希望对你有所帮助,仅供参考
另一款名为“LexisNexis Translate”的法律英语翻译软件,它不仅提供了高质量的机器翻译功能,还结合了专业的法律数据库和案例分析工具,为用户提供了一站式的法律英语翻译和研究解决方案。总之,这些专业的法律英语翻译软件可以提高翻译的准确性和效率,帮助用户更好地理解和处理法律文本。
shall first be curtailed, limited or eliminated to the extent necessary to remove such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability with respect to the applicable law as it shall then be applied.前提是, 作废,非法或者不可强制的条款首先需要根据现行的法律在一定范围内缩减, 限制或者去除....