n is the number of items, and m is the number of knapsack constraints with
capacities bj (j = 1, 2, · · ·,m). Each item xi requires aij units of resource consumption
of jth knapsack (j = 1, 2, · · ·,m) and yields ci units of profit upon inclusion.
The goal is to find a subset of items that yields maximum profit without
exceeding the resource capacities. The much simpler case with single constraint
(m = 1) is known as the single knapsack problem, which is not strongly NPhard,
and effective approximate algorithms have been developed for obtaining its
near-optimal solutions. The general case corresponding to m ≥ 2 is known as the
multidimensional knapsack problem (MKP), which is strongly NP-hard. Many
practical problems can be formulated as the MKP, for example, the capital budgeting
problem, allocating processors and databases in a distributed computer
system, and the project selection and cargo loading. Many algorithms, such as
the dynamic programming method, the enumerative method, the branch-andbound
method and the heuristic algorithms, are proposed for solving the MKP.
请帮我翻译以下这段文字 谢谢 急用!!!
TO BE OR NOT TO BE to be or not to be,这是《哈姆雷特》(莎士比亚)的经典台词.To be, or not to be- that is the question 汉文意思是:生存还是死去,这是一个问题.此段的全文如下:Hamlet:To be, or not to be- that is the question:Whether it's nobler in the mind to ...
1. 交通方便,是参会客商必经之地。near the Fair Hall, the cross of roads for traders 2. 酒店容量大。共200多套房间,每层楼为40多间。large hotel capacity with more than 200 rooms totally and over 40 rooms per floor 3. 房间比较干净,整洁。clean and tidy in rooms 4. 娱乐...
请让他跟我们联系并告诉他SSSS贸易公司是你们公司在毛里求斯的代理. 顺便说下,你们的货物非常好, 但是第323号箱子里的货都损坏了. 不要再销售你们的货给毛里求斯的其他人.2周后我就会去拜访你们. 请帮我预订酒店. 你们2008年10月8号不是假日.请回复,希望能尽快收到你的回信....
急急急,谁能帮我翻译一段话,差不多就可以,跪谢了!!! 翻译成英文,就是下...
这就给语言的初学者在词义掌握方面造成了困难。当学习者由于自身的英语词汇量有限而不能正确表达自己的思想时,就会把类似汉语意思的英语单词生搬硬套上。例如,将“步入社会”翻译成”go to society",将“锻炼自己”表述成“practice myself”。这类错误就是学习者把其中文意思与英文意思从字面上简单地...
哪位高人帮我翻译一下这段英文啊 !有急用``
我要是你的话,也会这么做的。来源: dj.iciba.com 8.I would certainly do for you if I could.要是我做得到,我是一定会帮你办这事的。来源: dj.iciba.com 9.If a host lacks humor, I would rather see none.如果主持人缺乏幽默,我宁愿不看。来源: dj.iciba.com 10.I will go ...
I didn't do well, at the beginning I was so depressed, but later I thought this was also a good thing to me, because I know my insufficience of my study before, and I will work hard, improve my ways of study, altough it's easier said than done, I will persist on.