1774Which of the following is(are) an advantage of a dry chemical extinguisher over a carbon dioxide extinguisher? The dry chemical extinguisher_________① has a greater range. ②provides a heat shield for the operator.
A. ① only B. ② only C. both ① and ② D. neither ① or ②
4、implicitly [im'plisitli]adv. 含蓄地, 暗中地, 毫不保留地 5、chancellor [?t?ɑ:ns?l?]n.(英)名誉校长,(美)大学校长;(德)总理 6、Strine n. 老澳(对澳大利亚的谑称)7、interco 组间相关 8、redeem [ri?di:m]vt.弥补;救赎(回);挽回声誉;兑取现金 9、loom [lu:m...
ok no problem 好,没问题。(指回答对方的某些要求,而不是回答上面那个问题的。)we can pay $70 only postage 我们只能支付70美元的邮资。pls send it ASAP AND AFTER that plz send us the fedex NO.请尽快寄出并在寄出后把联邦快递单号发给我们。(pls =please)BEST REGARDS 最好的问候 OM...
比如laugh my ass off 笑死我了
The Chinese traditional new years is approaching. Before the new year, we would like you to settle the balance with our company, thus we will appreciate it that if you could wire us the payment during these two weeks.approach - 接近,临近 settle the balance - 结清余款 wire - ...
On slow moving parts with a minimum of pressure, an oil groove is usually sufficient to distribute the required quantity of lubricant to the surfaces moving on each other.低速轻载运动的部件,一个润滑油槽通常就能够为相对运动表面提供足够的润滑。
2: dear (XX) :We have received your order no. : (XXXXXXX) payment, we will for you as soon as distribution, please wait patiently, thank you very much for your coming!3: dear (XX) :Your order no. : (XXXXXXXX), goods have close, is expected to goods will be delivered...
直译就是: 再小的书架上也该有这卷书的栖身之处。 意思就是说: 这是一本值得收藏的书。这是New York Herald Tribune (纽约先驱论坛报)对某本书的溢美之词。
我现在要为你输液 Now I want for your infusion 先帮你消毒皮肤 To help you disinfection skin 有一点点痛 A little pain 请不要怕 Please don't be afraid 跟昨天一样有一个小时的治疗时间 As one hour with yesterday's time to treatment 如果你觉得有什么不舒服 If you feel ...
两段翻译都挺好的,相对来说第一段翻译随意些,第二段用词更正式点,但是在职证明本身也不是非常正式的官方文书,所以都可以用。后面那句:她将于2015年06月03日到2015年06月18日赴美国旅游。”翻译过来是:She wiil be travelling in USA during June 3rd to June18th in 2015....
Following the industrial organization literature and Chemmanurand Yan (2009b), we use a measure labeled “advertising intensity” which is defined as advertising expenditure in year t scaled by total sales (compustat mnemonic: SALE) at the end of year t.根据工业企业文献和Chemmanurand ...