Neighborhood Safety and Health
The link between increased perception of neighborhood safety and an almost 30% increase in the odds of youth meeting recommendations of aerobic physical activity on most days of a week may represent a greater presence of structures facilitating safety and adult monitoring. Neighborhood safety is hypothesized to impact youth physical activity through potential exposure to criminal activity while in transit to recreational activities as well as placing limitations on safe space for engagement in sports or games. Parental perception of their neighborhood to be in the lowest quartile of safety is associated with four times the odds of risk for overweight status among children as early as 7 years of age when compared to weight status of youth whose parents perceive their neighborhood to be in the highest quartile of safety. Increasing urban neighbor- hood safety has been associated with an increase of 49 min per week of physical activity for 11–16 year olds. Safety requisites identified by youth include the absence of fighting, intimidation and bullying, and vandalism in addition to the presence of adequate lighting in the immediate area surrounding facilities and adult supervision. A recent pilot intervention for inner-city children involving the provision of a safe play space for kindergarten through eighth graders resulted in a relative increase in the physical activity of youth in the intervention area when compared to youth in the control area.
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A) Move toward War 移向战争 The 1930’s were marked by two very different trends. 20世纪30年代的标志是两大不同动态。On the one hand, western nations were concerned with disarmament, notably through the World Disarmament Conference of 1932 and the London Naval Disarmament Conference ...