
Several authors(Harvey 1989;Urry 1990;Uriely 1997;Mowforth and Munt 2003) have linked the changes outlined above to the shift from modernism to postmodernism which involves dissolving the “boundaries, not only between high and low cultures,but also between different cultural forms such as tourism,art,education,photography,television,music,sport,shopping and architecture (Urry 1990:83).It is about breaking down barriers and accepting other ways or different perspectives, and so the mass tourism package is shifting to customization. Uriely(1997) suggests that trends such as the small and specialized travel agencies, the growing attraction of nostalgia and heritage tourism along with the increase in nature-oriented tourism and simulated tourism-related environments are labeled aspects of postmodern tourism. As the means of production and consumption (see Chapter 6) are changing to be more flexible and customized, tour companies are outsourcing components of the production process to different companies which are sometimes located in different countries. The shift in the production production process is not necessarily uniform in destination, as Torres(2011) discovered in Cancun where she found evidence of Fordist and post-Fordist elements. These elements were manifest in different “shades” of mass tourism, ‘neo-Fordism’ and ‘mass customization’. While these elements mat represent examples of the complex functional aspects of globalization, there are also the realms of policy, politics and trade which are also key elements in facilitating globalization.
Globalization is not new; throughout history there have been waves of global economic integration that have risen and fallen (Dollar 2005).In the recent wave of economic integration there has been a dramatic shift in the nature of international trade, from exports of primary products to exports of manufactured products and, along with this, service exports including tourism and software have increased enormously (Dollar 2005) .One of the key elements of globalization is the effect of market liberalization opening up national economies to the global market (McMichael 2004). The shift towards market liberalization is evident in the comment by Dollar(2005) that increased levels of integration have been facilitated partly through deliberate policy changes, where the majority of the developing world (measured by population) has moved from an inward-to a more outward-focused strategy, reflected in huge increases in trade integration. In fact, in some cases corporations in developing countries are expanding their operations beyond their borders, referred to as globalization’s offspring (The Economist 2007). In the context of tourism, the Russian airline Aeroflot is a bidder for a controlling stake in Alitalia, Italy’s national airline (The Economist 2007).



ME 是上网搜的。也不知是对还是错....

B: 好吧,我接受FPA险种。


回答:We have an hour It is clear need fresh air. Money can help solve

now I feel not good, and I think it seems that I miss you so much.

1。如果你的买的乐透中奖了,希望你可以来看看我 2。(这句,语法就有很大问题。。。你确定没抄错句子么。。。本人无力翻译)3。(有语法问题,感觉是用中文思维写的,都看不懂了,勉强翻译的话。。)我会叫你去拿你的护照和论文,或者搞到这些东西的价格,然后再帮你弄到它们。(大概这意思)...

哪位好心人,帮帮忙吧!拜托拜托拜托拜托拜托拜托拜托了。立马采纳哦!英语。  我来答 1个回答 #活动# 作为妈妈,母亲节你期待收到什么礼物?小阿涂 2015-11-08 · 超过16用户采纳过TA的回答 知道答主 回答量:42 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:24.7万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 ...

wanna retrieve the whole shoot supposed to be mine!我要将我面前的一切障碍,粉碎!I wanna smash all the obstacles in my presence!我要将所有看不起我的人踩在脚下!I wanna trample those who look down upon me!我要实现我的梦想!I wanna realize my dreams!我要让我的家人得到幸福!I wanna...

1take up the cellphone 2become worse 3fall on the desk 4 fall off the bike 5take a photo with a camera 6risk to do 7great pain 8ride a bike side by side 9get out of the hospital 10cross the road 满意我的回答吗?请记得点击【采纳满意】为我点赞哦......

...还要翻译和例句。拜托哪位英语好的帮帮忙。Thank you
我的 七年级上学期的英语公式,要全的,简单的深奥的都要。还要翻译和例句。拜托哪位英语好的帮帮忙。Thank you 要求速度,如果回答的全面细致,再加100分!!!... 要求速度,如果回答的全面细致,再加100分!!! 展开 3个回答 #热议# 孩子之间打架 父母要不要干预? 青R18 2011-12-30 知道答主 回答量:...

大家帮我翻译一下(小学英语),O(∩_∩)O谢谢 这是我的卧室,有一张白色的...
This is my bedroom, 这是我的卧室there is a white bed,有一张白色的床 a table and a red chair一张桌子和一把红色的椅子There is a book on the desk. 桌子上有一本书The table below is trash. 桌子的下面是垃圾桶The desk is yellow wardrobe, 桌子的旁边是黄色的衣柜there are a ...
