

The Olympic Games is a huge international stage that can provide the national culture all over the world with exchange and communication. The world's different civilizations integrate here together. And also the Olympic Games is a festival for people in different countries to communicate their cultures and a carnival that is beyond race, culture, social rank and area for the common people to celebrate. In this kind of carnival, people needs food and drinks to supply their energy.
第1个回答  2012-06-26
The Olympic Games are among the world's culture exchange and communication of the huge stage, world civilizations in the draw here. The Olympic Games is the world culture exchange Sheng Festival, is the world's super race, cultural, super grade, super regional people giant carnival, carnival is the need to diet to supplement energy.
第2个回答  2012-06-26
The Olympics is a huge stage, exchange and communication between nations of the world cultural fusion and civilization. The Olympic Games is also a national cultural exchange ,as well as a giant carnival of the world's super-race, super-culture, super-grade, super-regional ,but you do know the carnival need to diet to replenish our energy.
第3个回答  2012-06-26
The Olympicgames are huge stages of communion and communication among all Nations and cluture of the world,where different civilization gathered.The Olymoic games are also grand
festivals of civilization communicating for every country,and they are common great grand festivals beyond race,culture,rank and area.In addition, grand festivals need diet to fill their energy.