第1个回答 2009-05-21
The main subject goal main purpose is through the ASP technology, realizes based on web practical, and efficiency high university student forum system construction. And realizes through the main subject objective design, fully the knowledge which and the production practice studies the textbook unify, and can synthesize the utilization. The paper mainly narrated a university student forum's performance history, including forum's project objective, demand analysis, portal frame construction, data flow and forum's main feature and so on, forum various modules realization as well as forum's construction. This article mainly adopts ASP is the development technology, and used some VBScript language to realize the forum basic function. In order to simplify realization which erects, adopts Microsoft Corporation's Access to take the database platform, like this erects a simple forum on the single plane not to need to install any procedure nearly. This article designs the flow is starts from system's demand analysis, the definite system's flow and the design, to the module division, arrive at the data to add the structure again the design, finally starts each module programming and the development.