

Under normal circumstances, improved conditions can be clearly observed within 5 to 15 days after taking the drug. Reactions toward different symptoms may differ and different physique may also induce responses of varying levels. Should reactions as listed on the instructions appear, please feel at ease as they are the inevitable effects of the drugs.

第1个回答  2009-12-20
This drug is generally 5-15 days after taking the drug will have a clear response, namely, improved response, a variety of symptoms may have different reactions, because of physical differences will produce different levels of response, if they develop any of the instructions described in the reaction, do not worry, this is to take the drug must have effect.
第2个回答  2009-12-20
This drug is generally 5-15 days after taking the drug will have a clear response, namely, improved response, a variety of symptoms may have different reactions, because of physical differences will produce different levels of response, if they develop any of the instructions described in the reaction, do not worry, this is to take the drug must have effect.

lecithine de Soya Non-Blanchie---1200mg 胶囊:明胶,甘油, Eau Purifee。方式demploi :Prendre 3压缩平价jour avec辅助repas, ou selon les方针暗褐色professionnel de la sante。Ne contient aucun agent de conservation, de saveur ni de染料artificiels; de苏克雷, damidon, de produits la...

全文翻译如下:支持减肥.让您神清气爽更美丽.服用方法 此物做为减肥辅助食品,每天服一袋,请与凉开水或温开水一起服用.服用注意事项 鲜有身体不适出现.使用后身体不适的情况下,请暂时停止使用 请放在幼儿手无法触到的地方保管.开封后请尽快服用.另,请注意不要采取过度的减肥法....

药品说明书 翻译
take pills three times a day and 10 to 15ml each time in the second month.Reduce the amount of pills in the third and forth month,three times a day and 10ml each time.After then can add or reduce the ammount according to the symptom.因为不知道吃什么药 所以我用PILLS代替了 ...

(1)本药品中含有鸡蛋成分,因此对鸡蛋过敏的人请勿服用。(2)服用本药品或其他感冒药而导致哮喘的请勿服用。2请勿与以下药品同时服用:其他感冒药、解热镇痛药、镇静药、镇咳祛痰药、含抗组胺剂成分的内服药(鼻炎用内服药、晕车药、抗过敏药等)3 服用后请勿操作交通工具或是机械类。(会产生睡眠或...

sore or develops a rash,be sure to mintion this to your physician,but do not stop using your inhaler unless instructed to do so.用完规定数量的吸入药剂之后,用清水彻底漱口。注意:如果你的嘴巴感觉酸痛或是起疹的话,一定要告诉你的内科主治医生,但不要停止用药除非医嘱让你停用。

英语翻译 药品说明书
XXX activating collaterals oil for Dr. XXX decades of clinical experience of creation.功能主治:Indications function:跌打肿痛,腰酸背痛,经络抽缩,舒经活络。Traumatic swelling, pain, main and collateral channels shrink, Shu meridians.用法用量:Usage and dosage:1.找出患处最痛之痛点。(痛点...

(3)由于使用本药品而出现过敏症状的人 (4)有下面症状的人:眼睛有强烈痛楚感 (5)被确诊为此种症状的人:青光眼 2,使用时,请仔细阅读使用说明书 3,请把药品盖好拧紧并保管在阳光无法直射的凉爽的地方 4,带着树脂类隐形眼镜的情况下,不要使用本药品。第五张: (皮肤外用药类)使用法:...

无糖,盐,防腐剂或人工色素。--- 月见草油基本功效:月见草油(Evening Primrose Oil )颜色: 呈谈黄色,有轻微油味。种植地:美国 萃取部位:夜晚盛开黄色的花朵的月见草种子。成分: 丙种亚麻油酸、维他命、矿物质、Y-亚麻酸、镁、锌、维生素C、E、(B6)以及烟碱酸。特性描述:从月见草的种子萃取...

药品说明书 英文翻译
40 billion per barrel 25 kg\/cardboard barrels 25 kg\/LvTong 25 kg\/box Penicillin Cephalosporin Of aminoglycoside Tetracycline and chloramphenicol class Large rings esters Other antibiotic Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and vitamins Antiviral class Antibiotic class Quinolone Antiparasite class Herbal ...

(2)服用过本药剂或者其它的咳嗽药、清热镇痛药后出现哮喘的人 2、服用本药剂期间请不要服用以下药物 其它咳嗽药、清热镇痛药、镇静剂,镇咳祛痰、含有抗组胺类药物(鼻炎用内服药、晕车晕船药、防过敏药等)3、服用后请不要驾驶交通工具以及机械类 (有可能会打瞌睡等)4、服用前后请勿饮酒 5、请不...
