
3. 盈利的对象。阿里巴巴将盈利的对象定位于国内众多的中小企业和欲打入中国市场的跨国公司。这是因为,中国的电子商务有着不同于美国的发展背景。在市场经济成熟的美国,各行业前三大公司掌握着绝大多数的市场和资源,基本上所有的电子商务都是为这些大公司服务。但中国99%的企业都是中小企业,市场环境与美国迥然不同,这就决定了中国要发展电子商务就不能忽视中小企业。所以,阿里巴巴在创立时为自己设定的使命便是“帮助中小企业成功”。同时,基于对贸易全球化趋势的认识,阿里巴巴不仅把盈利的目光投注在国内,也投向了看好中国市场的跨国公司,其目标是帮助中国企业出口和帮助国外企业进入中国。几年来的实践显示,国内付费会员构成了阿里巴巴盈利对象的主体,而国际付费会员则实际创造了其营收的大部分(如表2所示) 。
首先,具有务实的理念和准确的市场定位。在国内狂热追捧电子商务时期,阿里巴巴的过人之处在于一开始就避开了技术驱动的陷阱,而是以市场为导向,确立了循序渐进逐步拓展的商业模式。它能够审时度势,认清国内电子商务初期急需疏通信息流、暂不具备网上交易的充分需求和条件的形势,将自己的发展道路规划为从信息流入手积累客户资源,绕开物流(自己的弱项) ,前瞻性地观望资金流,在适当的时机介入支付环节,在实施过程中敏锐地捕捉新的收入机会,不断扩展业务范围。正是基于这样准确的市场定位、务实的运做,阿里巴巴迅速地扩大了自己的客户群,为日后的盈利业务奠定良好的基础。
其次,适当的用户定位。阿里巴巴并没有盲目地将自己的利润来源定位于广大的网络受众,而是着眼于国内数量众多的中小企业和欲进入中国市场的外国企业。根据中小企业资金薄弱的特点,阿里巴巴放低了会员准入门槛,以免费会员制吸引企业注册,无偿提供信息浏览和发布的平台,因此吸引了众多中小企业注册登录,在短短几年时间内其企业会员就达到了300多万,并且以每天6, 000多新用户的速度增加。这些企业同时也带来了源源不断的信息流和大量商机,壮大了阿里巴巴的网上交易平台。据统计,阿里巴巴每月页面浏览量超过4, 500万,信息库中有买卖类商业机会信息达50万条,每天新增买卖信息超过3, 000条,每月有超过30万个询盘,平均每条买卖信息会得到四个反馈。这样,阿里巴巴迅速获得了庞大的客户群,并积累了多年的强大的客户服务能力,形成了遥遥领先于同行的竞争优势。

3. The object of profit. Alibaba will be positioned to profit target of a large number of small and medium-sized domestic For multinational companies to enter the Chinese market. This is because the Chinese e-commerce development in the United States has a different background. Mature market economy at the United States, the various sectors are the top three companies hold the vast majority of markets and resources, are basically all the e-commerce services for these large companies. However, 99% of Chinese enterprises are SMEs, and the United States a very different market environment, which determines the development of Chinese e-commerce on small and medium enterprises should not be ignored. Therefore, Alibaba was founded at the time set for their mission is "to help small and medium-sized success." At the same time, based on the trend of globalization of trade, Alibaba is not only put the eyes of betting profits at home, but also into the promising Chinese market, multinational corporations, whose goal is to help Chinese enterprises to export and to help foreign enterprises to enter China. Practice over the past few years shows that the domestic pay-Members Alibaba profits constitute the main body of the object, and the International Members pay the actual creation of the majority of its revenue (as shown in table 2).
41 profit barrier. Recalling the history of Alibaba, from the start in 1999 since the Chinese e-commerce can survive the winter, not only did not like was a flash in the pan, like many well-known website, but gradually grow to become the domestic leader in B2B, this is not accidental, but there is much to explore the experience is worth studying.
First of all, has a pragmatic philosophy and accurate market positioning. Fanatical pursuit of e-commerce at the domestic period, Alibaba is one of the attractions start to avoid the trap of technology-driven, but guided by the market, established a step-by-step and gradually extended their business model. It can assess the situation and recognize the urgent need to dredge the early domestic e-commerce information flow, not with the full demand for online transactions and conditions of the situation, will be planning their own development paths for information flows from the hands of the accumulation of resources to clients, bypassing the logistics (their weaknesses ), looking to see cash flow, at the right time to intervene in the payment aspect, in the implementation process acutely capture new revenue opportunities, expanding the scope of business. It is based on accurate market positioning, practical transportation to do, Alibaba rapidly expanded its customer base, profitable business for the future lay a good foundation.
Secondly, the appropriate user positioning. Alibaba did not blindly to their own source of profits located in the vast network audience, but rather focus on the domestic small and medium-sized and large number of people wishing to enter the Chinese market, foreign companies. According to the characteristics of weak small and medium-sized funds, Alibaba Member access low threshold in order to attract companies for free membership registration, free information platform for browsing and released, it attracted a large number of small and medium-sized register log in, at just a few years time Members within their enterprises reached more than 300 million, and to 6 every day, more than 000 new users increasing at a rate of. These enterprises also brought a stream of information flow and substantial business opportunities and expanding Alibaba's online trading platform. According to statistics, the Alibaba page views per month over 4, 500 million, there is trade information library, information business opportunities category Tatsu 500,000, trade information every day add more than 3, 000 per month has more than 300,000 consultation disk, the average of each trade will be four information feedback. In this way, Alibaba prompt access to a huge customer base, and accumulated many years of strong customer service capabilities, forming a peer leader in the competitive advantage.
Third, at the time is ripe, the gradual formation of the organic integration of the functional chain of contact. According to "market, payment, credit and search e-commerce are the four basic" this recognition, Alibaba to build an information platform and through the search engine to obtain commercial information, through the trading platform to communicate to negotiate, through the "Home" Learn opponents credibility, through the payment of the completion of secure payment Bao organic continuum, these features promote each other and complement each other, established Alibaba significant competitive advantage. 3. The object of profit. Alibaba will be positioned to profit target of a large number of small and medium-sized domestic For multinational companies to enter the Chinese market. This is because the Chinese e-commerce development in the United States has a different background. Mature market economy at the United States, the various sectors are the top three companies hold the vast majority of markets and resources, are basically all the e-commerce services for these large companies. However, 99% of Chinese enterprises are SMEs, and the United States a very different market environment, which determines the development of Chinese e-commerce on small and medium enterprises should not be ignored. Therefore, Alibaba was founded at the time set for their mission is "to help small and medium-sized success." At the same time, based on the trend of globalization of trade, Alibaba is not only put the eyes of betting profits at home, but also into the promising Chinese market, multinational corporations, whose goal is to help Chinese enterprises to export and to help foreign enterprises to enter China. Practice over the past few years shows that the domestic pay-Members Alibaba profits constitute the main body of the object, and the International Members pay the actual creation of the majority of its revenue (as shown in table 2).
41 profit barrier. Recalling the history of Alibaba, from the start in 1999 since the Chinese e-commerce can survive the winter, not only did not like was a flash in the pan, like many well-known website, but gradually grow to become the domestic leader in B2B, this is not accidental, but there is much to explore the experience is worth studying.
First of all, has a pragmatic philosophy and accurate market positioning. Fanatical pursuit of e-commerce at the domestic period, Alibaba is one of the attractions start to avoid the trap of technology-driven, but guided by the market, established a step-by-step and gradually extended their business model. It can assess the situation and recognize the urgent need to dredge the early domestic e-commerce information flow, not with the full demand for online transactions and conditions of the situation, will be planning their own development paths for information flows from the hands of the accumulation of resources to clients, bypassing the logistics (their weaknesses ), looking to see cash flow, at the right time to intervene in the payment aspect, in the implementation process acutely capture new revenue opportunities, expanding the scope of business. It is based on accurate market positioning, practical transportation to do, Alibaba rapidly expanded its customer base, profitable business for the future lay a good foundation.
Secondly, the appropriate user positioning. Alibaba did not blindly to their own source of profits located in the vast network audience, but rather focus on the domestic small and medium-sized and large number of people wishing to enter the Chinese market, foreign companies. According to the characteristics of weak small and medium-sized funds, Alibaba Member access low threshold in order to attract companies for free membership registration, free information platform for browsing and released, it attracted a large number of small and medium-sized register log in, at just a few years time Members within their enterprises reached more than 300 million, and to 6 every day, more than 000 new users increasing at a rate of. These enterprises also brought a stream of information flow and substantial business opportunities and expanding Alibaba's online trading platform. According to statistics, the Alibaba page views per month over 4, 500 million, there is trade information library, information business opportunities category Tatsu 500,000, trade information every day add more than 3, 000 per month has more than 300,000 consultation disk, the average of each trade will be four information feedback. In this way, Alibaba prompt access to a huge customer base, and accumulated many years of strong customer service capabilities, forming a peer leader in the competitive advantage.
Third, at the time is ripe, the gradual formation of the organic integration of the functional chain of contact. According to "market, payment, credit and search e-commerce are the four basic" this recognition, Alibaba to build an information platform and through the search engine to obtain commercial information, through the trading platform to communicate to negotiate, through the "Home" Learn opponents credibility, through the payment of the completion of secure payment Bao organic continuum, these features promote each other and complement each other, established Alibaba significant competitive advantage. :-O
第1个回答  2009-03-20
第2个回答  2009-03-20
3. The object of profit. Alibaba will be positioned to profit target of a large number of small and medium-sized domestic For multinational companies to enter the Chinese market. This is because the Chinese e-commerce development in the United States has a different background. Mature market economy at the United States, the various sectors are the top three companies hold the vast majority of markets and resources, are basically all the e-commerce services for these large companies. However, 99% of Chinese enterprises are SMEs, and the United States a very different market environment, which determines the development of Chinese e-commerce on small and medium enterprises should not be ignored. Therefore, Alibaba was founded at the time set for their mission is "to help small and medium-sized success." At the same time, based on the trend of globalization of trade, Alibaba is not only put the eyes of betting profits at home, but also into the promising Chinese market, multinational corporations, whose goal is to help Chinese enterprises to export and to help foreign enterprises to enter China. Practice over the past few years shows that the domestic pay-Members Alibaba profits constitute the main body of the object, and the International Members pay the actual creation of the majority of its revenue (as shown in table 2).
41 profit barrier. Recalling the history of Alibaba, from the start in 1999 since the Chinese e-commerce can survive the winter, not only did not like was a flash in the pan, like many well-known website, but gradually grow to become the domestic leader in B2B, this is not accidental, but there is much to explore the experience is worth studying.
First of all, has a pragmatic philosophy and accurate market positioning. Fanatical pursuit of e-commerce at the domestic period, Alibaba is one of the attractions start to avoid the trap of technology-driven, but guided by the market, established a step-by-step and gradually extended their business model. It can assess the situation and recognize the urgent need to dredge the early domestic e-commerce information flow, not with the full demand for online transactions and conditions of the situation, will be planning their own development paths for information flows from the hands of the accumulation of resources to clients, bypassing the logistics (their weaknesses ), looking to see cash flow, at the right time to intervene in the payment aspect, in the implementation process acutely capture new revenue opportunities, expanding the scope of business. It is based on accurate market positioning, practical transportation to do, Alibaba rapidly expanded its customer base, profitable business for the future lay a good foundation.
Secondly, the appropriate user positioning. Alibaba did not blindly to their own source of profits located in the vast network audience, but rather focus on the domestic small and medium-sized and large number of people wishing to enter the Chinese market, foreign companies. According to the characteristics of weak small and medium-sized funds, Alibaba Member access low threshold in order to attract companies for free membership registration, free information platform for browsing and released, it attracted a large number of small and medium-sized register log in, at just a few years time Members within their enterprises reached more than 300 million, and to 6 every day, more than 000 new users increasing at a rate of. These enterprises also brought a stream of information flow and substantial business opportunities and expanding Alibaba's online trading platform. According to statistics, the Alibaba page views per month over 4, 500 million, there is trade information library, information business opportunities category Tatsu 500,000, trade information every day add more than 3, 000 per month has more than 300,000 consultation disk, the average of each trade will be four information feedback. In this way, Alibaba prompt access to a huge customer base, and accumulated many years of strong customer service capabilities, forming a peer leader in the competitive advantage.
Third, at the time is ripe, the gradual formation of the organic integration of the functional chain of contact. According to "market, payment, credit and search e-commerce are the four basic" this recognition, Alibaba to build an information platform and through the search engine to obtain commercial information, through the trading platform to communicate to negotiate, through the "Home" Learn opponents credibility, through the payment of the completion of secure payment Bao organic continuum, these features promote each other and complement each other, established Alibaba significant competitive advantage.